OpinionX — Free Stack Ranking Surveys

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A Beginner’s Guide to OpinionX Surveys

OpinionX helps you to stack rank people's priorities in minutes. Here’s everything you need to know about getting started in just 2 minutes:

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🥇 Stack Rank

The first thing you'll see when creating your OpinionX survey is the stack rank block. Here, you can add your question and a list of things for participants to stack rank.

You need at least 4 sample opinions to get your survey started, but the best surveys tend to have between 10 and 30 statements. The most common sample opinions are things like user problems, feature ideas, or customer values but feel free to get creative and try different approaches.

❓ Other Question Types

Next, you can add other blocks, like email collection, a multiple-choice question, or an open-ended response. Drag and drop these blocks to rearrange them to the order that suits you. Each block comes with a suggestions button full of helpful tips and tricks that you should definitely check out.

👋 Welcome Page

Don’t forget to customize the first screen that your participants will see. Make sure and add a logo, title and description to the welcome screen of your survey.

💌 Sharing

Once you've got your survey ready to go, hit the Share button on the top right of your screen to grab a link that you can send to your participants.

📊 Results

Once people start joining your survey, you can see how they voted over on the Results tab. Analyzing your stack rank is super simple - just sort the list by Highest Importance. That's it!

👥 Segmentation

You can use the answers from your Multiple Choice questions to segment your data so that you can look at the stack rank for specific groups of participants. For example, you could use this to look at what's important to your paying customers compared to free users.

🔭 Discover

When participants submit open-ended responses, you can add their answers to the list of Stack Rank opinions in just one click. This is great for filling in blind spots that you missed when setting up your survey.

🔬 Deep-Dive

If your OpinionX survey has an email collection block, you can open up each participant's details to see what their personal stack rank is. This is a great way to pick the perfect people to interview for more info later.

🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️ Get In Touch

So, that's OpinionX. My top tip — dive right in and try creating your first stack ranking survey. Playing around with OpinionX is the fastest way to really understand how stack ranking works! Why not do a test run within your team to see how it works?

If you've still got a question, don't be afraid to get in touch! Check out our Knowledge Base guides or grab 30 minutes to chat with someone from the team over Zoom ✌

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