The Full-Stack Researcher
Actionable advice on user research, product management and customer discovery.
How to use PMF Surveys to reach Product/Market Fit Faster (Guide + Case Study)
Product Market Fit Surveys are a great way to benchmark your current level of PMF, but with some simple segmentation analysis techniques, they become a powerful user research and strategy tool for early-stage startups.
[Keynote] An Intro to Customer Problem Stack Ranking: Product Management Festival Europe 2021
In this 30 minute keynote, OpinionX CEO Daniel Kyne explains how his team discovered the power of stack ranking, realized its potential to redefine user research, and is working to build the priority analytics category to help product-led startups build more user-centric products.
The 8 most popular ways to use OpinionX
Customer Problem Stack Ranking is a brand new method for validating ideas, so we get a lot of questions about how to use it. Here are 8 proven use cases with examples!