The Full-Stack Researcher

Actionable advice on user research, product management and customer discovery.

Daniel Kyne Daniel Kyne

The Product/Market Fit Matrix [Data-Driven Iteration]

In the gap between finding traction and PMF is full of vague advice like โ€œjust build something people really want.โ€ This is the framework I use to take my startup one step closer to PMF *every single week.*

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Daniel Kyne Daniel Kyne

Deconstructing WeatherBill's $930M Startup Pivot

David Friedberg sold his 7-year-old startup WeatherBill for almost $1 billion in 2013. But WeatherBill almost didn't survive to see that day. If it wasnโ€™t for one finely-tuned pivot in May 2010, which I deconstruct in this essay, the company was destined for certain failure.

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Daniel Kyne Daniel Kyne

Shreyas Doshi's Guide to Validating & Prioritizing Ideas

Shreyas Doshiโ€™s Twitter thread โ€˜Destined to Failโ€™ introduced the idea of Customer Problems Stack Ranks โ€” a new way to think about contextualizing the relative priority of the problem your product aims to solve.

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Sometimes we publish posts on our separate blog Research Method Guides, which focuses more on specific questions related to research and surveys.